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Advanced Eye Examination

Regular eye exams are vital to maintaining your vision and overall health. Park Vision offers the optomap® as an important part of our advanced eyecare examinations

The optomap produces an image that is unique and provides us with a high-resolution 200° image to check the health of your retina. This is much wider than a traditional 45° image.

Many eye problems can develop without you knowing – in fact, you may not even notice any change in your sight.

Fortunately, diseases or damage such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina.

Comparison of optician's view of the eye

The inclusion of optomap as part of your private & advanced eyecare examination provides:

A scan to show a healthy eye or detect disease.

optomap can image up to 200 degrees of the retina in a single capture. Unlike full spectrum white light used in conventional devices, optomap technology incorporates low-powered laser wavelengths that scan simultaneously. The lasers create a virtual point, posterior to the iris plane and then the lasers pivot in order to create the large scanning angles.

A view of the retina, giving us a more comprehensive view than other methods.

With traditional, small-field, and even widefield retinal imaging, only 10-100⁰ of the retina can be captured in a single image. optomap is the only true, clinically validated, ultra-widefield retinal image than can capture 82% or 200⁰ of the retina, in a single capture, in each imaging modality – an increase of 50% over the next closest imaging device. With optomap auto-montage, up to 97% or 220⁰ of the retina can be imaged with the multi-capture, montaging functionality

An opportunity for you to view and discuss the optomap image of your eye with us at the time of your exam.

The optomap is fast, easy, and comfortable for anyone. The entire image process consists of you looking into the device one eye at a time. The optomap images are shown immediately on a computer screen so we can review it with you.

To book an appointment or discuss any aspect of your vision, contact us here.

Advanced Optomap eye scanning at Park Vision, Nottingham